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The Sheep 


We currently run 60 ewes, and typically have a total of around 150 sheep at any given time.


Millertown Sheep Farm started with the purchase of 12 Merino-Columbia ewes and 6 Cheviot-Bluefaced Leicester ewe lambs in the Summer of 2016. 


Merino-Columbia Ewes

The Merino-Columbia ewes produce a high-quality fleece that we have sold primarily to hand spinners and weavers.  We are particularly grateful to Melanie Perkins of Crokett Fiber Arts Studio, who has purchased our wool to use as roving and yarn for many of her instructional classes.


Shropshire-Cross Meat Lambs

For the last three years, we have bred the ewes to a Shropshire ram (bred by Flying Mule Sheep Company), to produce our lambs for meat.  The Shropshire genetics produce wide-based, thick-bodied lambs that are of a moderate frame size, such that they can be finished on grass around 10 months of age.


Replacement Ewe Lambs

Starting in 2018, we bred a few of our Merino-Columbia ewes to a Bluefaced Leicester ram to explore that crossbreed as a possibility for replacement ewe lambs.  The concept was to maintain a unique, quality fleece, while creating a replacement ewe that is more moderate-framed, hardier, and more suited for our rocky, uneven terrain.  We also wanted the replacement ewes to have black hooves, so that we could reduce the number of challenges (hoof rot, etc) associated with our white-hooved Merino-Columbias.  We are pleased with the initial results of this crossbreed, and have bred for that cross again this year.  We are excited to see many more potential replacement ewe lambs being born in Spring 2019. 

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